Due to adverse weather conditions in previous years and possible disruption this year, please find some ideas and suggestions for the children to undertake during any school closure days or days when your children are not able to get to school safely.

The children will also have their usual homework programme which should continue during this time.

Where possible further information and activities will be uploaded via the school website.



• Revise common words

• Make a wordsearch with your spelling words

• Make and send a Christmas card to a family member

• Make a snowy day picture

• Try some science experiments-put some ice in a cup or bottle, what happens if you put it outside, keep it in the house, put a sock round it!

• Write a story about Santa coming to visit

• Make 3D shapes in the snow

• Make a shopping list of items you need to make a snow day treat

• Make snowmen of different heights, different widths and with a different circumference

• Make some snowy art work with coloured water in the snow

• Write instructions for making a snowman

• Draw a winter picture

• Take some winter photographs

• Write a winter acrostic poem

• Write a newspaper article on the weather

• Research some interesting winter facts

• Put some food out for the birds, monitor how much they eat each day and record what types of birds you see

• Practise your tables or number bonds

• Time yourself doing various activities, can you increase your time

But most importantly, please keep yourself safe during any cold weather and make sure you wrap up warm at all times.

Snow Days Leaflet